Friday, July 24, 2009


On Fridays Jacob and Mommy go to yoga. It's at the same studio where I did my prenatal yoga, and it's very fun to see all the ladies that I met when we were all pregnant come in with their babies. We have some good friends - including Adam and Daniel and Claire and Charlotte - and sometimes we meet on other days at the park or a local coffee shop.

Each week Jacob is more and more content to lay on his blanket as I do my stretches. Today there was something on the ceiling that just FASCINATED him. And there is always a baby-massage or baby stretches during the class for the little ones to participate in as well! I feel very lucky to have the community of moms and babies that we've met at this studio. Being a new mom is so much easier when there are other people around who are going through the same thing.
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1 comment:

  1. that is awesome. i wish baby and i could come join you 2.
