Monday, July 6, 2009

First Bath

Until now, Jacob has been enjoying sponge baths on his changing table, but last week he got a good grip on the bowl of soapy water and dumped it over everything in sight, so this week he graduated to a real bath! Our bathroom sink was not big enough, so he got a kitchen-sink-bath. He is NOT a fan. Didn't like the water, didn't like the cushioned sling, didn't like anything about it. Maybe we'll try putting the baby tub in the bathtub next time, or maybe we'll go back to sponge baths for awhile. Or maybe we'll just forego the whole thing and resign ourselves to having a dirty, dirty baby. How do they get so dirty!?! He gets the most amazing toe jam and I have NO idea how he gets so much dirt under his fingernails. It's like he's out digging in the garden when I'm not looking!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness, did you bath him in the turkey roaster? if so, cute.
