Thursday, May 21, 2009

We're Home!!!

Well, it only took 5 days, three different floors of the hospital, and a whole lot of shuttling back and forth between Brooklyn and Manhattan, but we're finally home.

Jacob passed his blood sugar and bilirubin tests with flying colors, and at around 5, we finally got the go-ahead to get discharged from the hospital. Woo hoo! But, as we found out this week (or were at least reminded), things in the hospital do not happen at a terribly quick pace. We were still waiting for our obstetrician to come by and perform the circumcision. And we waited. And waited. So frustrating when we were so excited to get home.

Finally Dr. Rosenberg came, very quickly gave Little Man's Little Man a snip snip, and with a diaper change and a feeding, away we went.

So he's home, and now a whole new set of wonderful joys, challenges and excitements begin!

And for the record, I would put up some pictures, but I'm tired, and I'm enjoying an Anchor Summer Beer, some pizza and the greatest ice cream on earth. So I'll put them up tomorrow. Talk to you then!

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