Monday, May 25, 2009

We're Baaaack

Team Jost hit a bump in the road yesterday. It started out to be a lovely day. Jacob woke up and had a big feeding from mama, and we were setting about our day. Uncle JJ and Aunt Carra had woken up early and had driven down from Boston to spend the day with us. We got bagels, sat around the apartment chatting and generally fawning over our little bean.

He was really fussy when we tried to feed him at lunch, so we resorted to a bottle of breast milk Lauren had pumped. After this, we loaded Jacob up for his maiden voyage in the stroller through Prospect Park. It was a lovely, if a little muggy, afternoon, and he slept soundly as we ambled through the park.

When we returned from the park, Jacob was pretty flushed, really fussy and generally not happy. After a couple types of thermometers (ear and rectal, if you're interested) returned temps of 100.6, we called our pediatrician, who told us to go back to the hospital. Turns out any temp over 100.4 pretty much requires them to send us to the hospital for a full scan, which takes about 48 hours.

So, saddened we headed back to NYU medical center (thanks for the ride, JJ and Carra!), and waited around in the ER as several doctors and nurses poked and prodded. Many of the tests he had gone through before, and he's getting to be an old pro at them. The lumbar puncture (spinal tap), however, was a new one. And it's brutal. I mean, it's rough on adults, but we had to hold Jacob in a tiny ball as the doctors tried to get between his vertebrae to get the right amount of fluid. It took FOREVER. It was pretty gut-wrenching and hopefully something i never have to see again.

Jacob had some issues last week right after he was born in that the doctors/nurses have had a terrible time finding good veins in which they can place an IV. Last night was even worse. Literally he was poked by no less than 5 nurses/doctors/residents, and they must have gone in at least a dozen times, all to no avail. So he is currently getting his antibiotics by a direct shot into his muscles, but is hopefully going to get his IV soon.

It all sounds terrible, I know, but I must point out a few things to try to ease your mind. First, Jacob is such a soldier. He was so well behaved through all of this, and that is one strong kid. I'm sure he's going to pull through this just fine. Second, his fever, which topped out at 101 in the ER, dropped back down to normal last night before going up today again. It seems that this is something that the doctors will be able to control with Tylenol, provided there is no underlying bacterial cause. Third, with the exception of one wildly incompetent/inappropriate doctor, everyone at the hospital has been so great and has been wonderful with us and Jacob.

So, to sum up, he's in the hospital until at least tomorrow, but in all likelihood, it'll be something that just passes and we'll bring him home soon. We thank everyone for their prayers and well-wishes thus far, and would love more of the same going forward the next couple days.


  1. We definitely will keep Jacob in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. My thoughts are with the three of you! xx
