Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Tooth, Revealed!

Finally snapped a quality shot of the first tooth. There's a second one right next to it, but it is more felt than seen. And the top row are all about to break through as well, so it's a fun week.

Also visible in this picture: the disaster created by a banana-puff bar. I had to hold him over the sink and shake him off to remove all the bits...
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  1. Remember to Catch The Tooth Fairy in the act. Now you can catch her for FREE. Enter coupon code "fairy-proof". In 3 simple steps anyone can upload a photo, add the Tooth Fairy, and print it out or share it via Facebook, Twitter, email, etc. Imagine the look of wonder and surprise when a child receives a photo of the Tooth Fairy caught in their room.


    Pass it on...

  2. Look at that big baby face! My, how he's grown...that can't possibly be the same baby! Can't wait to see you!
