Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sad Face

Jacob is a really happy, easy-going baby. So pictures of Sad Face are hard to come by. Now, a true Sad Face is before the crying - it is identified by the trembling lip, the questioning eyes, the furrowed brow. You can catch a very quick glimpse of it here before it devolves into full panic.

Is it wrong for us to do things that will make our baby cry for the sake of a photo? Perhaps. But his irrational fear of wearing the birthday hat from Daniel's party was too funny not to capture.

You might think that the tears are just the sign of the tired baby. But he freaked out at the hat every time I tried to put it on him all day. He liked chewing it, holding it, and watching other people wear it, he just COULD NOT abide it being put on his head. This from a baby who wears hats every day! There is no telling what sorts of things a child might take exception to.


  1. I love how he would immediately recover when the hat was taken off and put on dad! Awesome!

  2. You guys are totally funny and totally mean. Poor bean.
