Thursday, December 17, 2009

6 - 7 Months

Sorry it's been such a long time between posts... things have gotten crazy around here with the holidays and what not, but we definitely wanted to post some pictures before we leave for the West Coast. Also, today, Jacob is seven months old!!! Hard to believe how fast all of this is going...

Some accomplishments of Months 6 and 7:
  • Jacob started eating solid foods and LOVES them! He started out with some oatmeal, and has moved on to a variety of fruits and vegetables. Favorites: Avocado, Butternut Squash, Sweet Potatoes, and Pears. Least Favorites: Acorn Squash, some kinds of Apples, Carrots. But he eats 3 squares a day on top of all his normal breast feeding, so he's growing pretty quickly.
  • Jacob is sitting up all by himself these days - no more resting him in a pillow or propping him up or anything. He'll sit there and play with toys and entertain himself for minutes and minutes.
  • Jacob is scooting - at this point, he can only move backwards and in circles, but he can get going pretty well. He really wants to be able to crawl and move forward, but just hasn't put that together yet.
  • He has a couple of teeth that have been movin on up, but nothing has really broken through the surface yet, so we're anxiously awaiting their arrival.
  • Jacob loved his first Thanksgiving, which was spent at home with his mommy and daddy. He also loved going to see Prababcia and Pradziadek (Great-grandma and great-grandpa in Polish) and getting to spend some time in the snow!
  • Jacob talks of little else than how excited he is to go see Nana and Papa, Grandma and Grandpa, and all his aunts, uncles and cousins. We leave on Saturday the 19th for 10 days in the Northwest.
Jacob wishes all of you Merry Christmas (as that is what we celebrate, but surely he would wish you a holiday nicety of your particular choosing were he able to form words) and Happy New Year. We'll try to post a little while we're away, but will surely update with a very thorough documentation of all the Christmas festivities when we return.

On to the pictures!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry Hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry xoxooxoxoxoxoxxo Auntie Laura
