Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Jacob gets some art

Jacob and Mommy went to the MoMA on Friday, just for fun. He was very alert and interested in all the shapes and colors, especially the Mondrains, Kandinski's and some of Picasso's work from the '30's. Unclear if he was actually appreciating their artistic merit or just transfixed in the same way he is by anything colorful or bold. I'm not sure that he's quite developed his sense of aesthetic distance yet, but it was a successful trip nonetheless! Mommy got a couple strange looks while breastfeeding there, but that isn't going to stop us from making more cultural trips in the near future.
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  1. I wonder if there is a Kant for babies book? Perhaps that can help him with developing his aesthetic sense.

  2. that is so awesome. i love the country for so many reasons, but the one thing we will never have on a city is the art. (sigh) we'll just have to bring eleanor to visit NYC one of these days. :) until then, i'll show her those famous artist board books.
